Automatically clock in on arrival

WorkTimes can automatically clock you in when you arrive at a specific location.

  1. Open the Apple Shortcuts app. You can find it for free in the App Store if you don't have it installed.
  2. Switch to the Automation tab.
  3. Now select Create Personal Automation.
  4. Select Arrival from the list of automation.
  5. Now you can select the location or address where you want WorkTimes to clock you in automatically.
  6. In the next step, select Add Action.
  7. Now search for WorkTimes.
  8. From the list of available actions, select Clock In.
  9. Select the account you want to use if you have multiple users in WorkTimes.
  10. Finally, tap Next and Done.

WorkTimes will automatically clock you in when you arrive at the selected location.

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